Account Settings
Transferring Money Between MT5 and Wallet
1 min read

After successfully logging into Web, you can choose the MT5 account from which you want to withdraw money to your wallet. Then, click on the yellow arrow icon.

(As shown in the image, if you want to transfer funds from MT5 account number 116124 to your wallet)

After clicking on the icon, a information window will appear for you to fill in as follows:

To Deposit Money from Wallet to MT5:

  • In the 'From' field, select the source wallet to deposit into MT5.
  • In the 'To' field, select the MT5 account you want to deposit funds into.
  • Then, enter the amount you want to deposit in the designated field.
  • Click 'Confirm' to complete the deposit.

To Withdraw Money from MT5 Account:

  • Click on the icon next to the yellow arrow.
  • In the 'From' field, select the MT5 account from which you want to withdraw funds.
  • Continue by entering the amount you wish to withdraw in the 'Amount' field.
  • Click 'Confirm' to complete the withdrawal.

The process of transferring money from your wallet to MT5 is similar.
