Something went wrong?
Why hasn’t my deposit been credited
1 min read
Transferring funds from an external platform to FXCE involves three steps:
  • Withdrawal from the external platform
  • Blockchain network confirmation
  • FXCE credits the funds to your account
After completing the withdrawal verification from the platform you're withdrawing your crypto from, the transaction would be successfully broadcast to the blockchain network. It might still take some time for that particular transaction to be fully confirmed by all the blockchain nodes and credited to FXCE. The amount of required “network confirmations” varies for different blockchains.
If the transaction is confirmed by all the blockchain nodes, you will receive a message "Withdrawal successful" from the platform you're transferring your crypto to FXCE.
However, after 30 minutes of receiving that message, the deposit has not been credited to your wallet, please contact 24/7 Help or send request at with Txiddeposit amount, and transaction time.